--fortitudo et fides--

About F-C

Our story begins in 1901.. continue to read more at Our history

We are based in Raleigh, NC, and the brand Franklin-Christoph produced its first product in 2001.

The Philosophy of Franklin-Christoph is summed up in the Latin Fortitudo et Fides...... meaning "Strength and Honor." Strength in the sense that complete dedication is given to the quality and endurance of all of our product offerings. Strength in that we build step by step, for the sake of the brand and our clients, not for the pursuit of immediate financial gain. Honor in that we stand behind every piece. Honor in that our attitude toward all business is to do what is right for all concerned. Strength and Honor in that we aspire to the integrity of the generations before us.

Our design philosophy is one of attempting to achieve austere simplicity while maintaining uniqueness. We try to transcend fads or eras, and produce designs that will hold up over time. We do not try to be everything to everyone, but to hold firm to our essential character.

It is our desire to remain in close contact with our clients, so that we may achieve a relationship that is responsive and personal. For this reason, we choose to limit our distribution channels, and focus on sales directly to you, our individual clients. We invite you to join our client email list to become a part of our family.

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